Tuesday, September 1, 2009

On Philippine Blog Awards and My Teaching Blog


I just received an e-mail from the organizers of Philippine Blog Awards 2009 confirming that my blog has been reviewed already and it's now an official nominee to the Philippine Blog Awards 2009 under Personal Blogs category. If my blog would be chosen as one of the lucky winners this year, my excitement to go home this coming October would be added for sure.

I know there are lots of good personal blogs in the list of nominees but I am still hopeful that I would win. Should I start preparing my speech for the awarding night? hahaha!


I am afraid that I would not have enough time to update my blogs these days so I am planning that instead of separating my personal and teaching blogs, I would just merge them. For that, starting next week or any time this week, I would be lifting the articles that have been posted at my teaching blog and post them here.

Since this blog, Wits and Spirits, is more general and easier to update as I have been posting random thoughts here, I decided that I would keep this blog and would just add a section dedicated to teaching. If you have been following my blog, you might find the sidebars different in the following days because I would be adding other widgets to be lifted from my teaching blog.

The only problem that I foresee right now is my blog lay out. Any suggestion about easy blog layout customization?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and good luck.

Here are some of my personal tips for you:

1. Visit those blog that have won in the past;
2. I would also encourage you to nominate one to two (or up to max of five) of your best posts. I think you also have better chances there.

I noticed that most of the time, the simplest layout, that which pleases the eye, gets the most nods from judges (and even blog visitors). You can start from there. I'm also having difficulties with my layout and the last time I tweaked it, I deleted my blog by accident. So I guess I'm stuck with what I have right now.

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