You might have noticed some changes in this blog. For the followers of Wits and Spirits, you might think that you stumbled in a wrong blog. The content of the blog is almost all the same. However, some widgets have been removed especially those which are related to teaching.
I have been planning to put my personal and teaching blog together in Wits and Spirits but as I thought of my plans for putting up these blogs, I realized that they existed for two different reasons. Originally, my personal blog was intentionally made to be an outlet of my personal thoughts and opinions towards life's amusements and perplexities. On the other hand, my teaching blog has been established to express my passion for teaching and education (as a whole) with a hope to inspire fellow educators and education practitioners. Although keeping these blogs updated is not that easy especially during the times wherein I need to work with my students on my extra hours and catch up with different reports and learning evaluation criteria and tools, I understand that there are still ways to update these blogs on regular basis (although not that frequent).
At first, my worry was on maintaining traffic in these blogs because I was thinking that I really need to update them on regular basis especially if I would like visitors to keep on coming. However, as I analyzed the live traffic feed I have installed in each blog, I noticed that my teaching blog has been generating a good amount of traffic although I was not able to update it regularly. Moreover, I am starting to realize that my mission for starting my teaching blog has been achieved little by little so why should I stop? After all, everything boils down to the advocacy of the blog and the blogger.
So for those who would like to read my articles on teaching, you may visit my teaching blog. See you there! On the other hand, I would still be posting my teaching reflections here from time to time as my focus in my teaching blog is more of "professional articles".
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