Friday, August 28, 2009

The Essence of Assessment: Authentic Over Traditional

Traditionally, assessment which is typically done in a form of test or quiz provides negative notion among the students. More often than usual, traditional assessment methods merely expects the students to recall knowledge through multiple choice tests, enumeration, identification, and others. Such method of assessment usually causes anxiety among the students which hinders them from giving accurate response as to what they have really learned – thus, hampering valid formative assessment and feedback.

On the other hand, authentic assessment or alternative assessment usually entails tasks in which the students will be involved and an accompanying rubric which will be used in evaluating their performance on the specified tasks. Wiggins (1993) as cited by Mueller (2008) defined authentic assessment as engaging and worthy problems or questions of importance, in which students must use knowledge to fashion performances effectively and creatively. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field.

In other words, authentic assessment is the provision of direct application of knowledge learned through practical tasks designed to evaluate the students’ ability to apply learning (transfer of learning). According to Mueller (2008), authentic assessments, on the other hand, offer more direct evidence of application and construction of knowledge compared to traditional assessment.

Here is an example of an authentic assessment I have done in my Mathematics class with ESL learners who are expected to master fundamental concepts in Mathematics and develop their English language proficiency. When I taught “Money and Budget” among the learners, I assessed their ability to solve problems related to money and their ability to integrate the four language skills by asking them to look for a practical problem which involves money. I asked my students to write them down in paragraph form, interpret and express them in mathematical symbols, and then present their problems and solution in class. I developed a rubric to evaluate their works (oral and written) and communicated it with them beforehand. That way, I was able to authentically assess my students for their presentations gave me a concrete evidence on how much they have learned and my feedback (which was based on the rubric) was clear with them beforehand, thus, giving them ideas on what needs to be improved next time.

When assessing our students, we have to remember that, as teachers, we do not assess our students so we could give our judgment to them or encourage them to compete one another. The real essence of assessment can be found in our genuine interest to help our students in the process of learning. We assess the learners so we could provide them immediate and accurate feedback that would help them in their impending learning endeavors.

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1 comment: said...

Multiple choice tests may not just are for memory recall. In many formative assessments can be intelligently built with an element of achievable challenge motivating learner to excel.Challenges force recipient to engage in learning

In Teaching normally there is a linear presentation or delivery of instructions where instructions are organized and presented in certain or specific order

In Learning Challenge on subject taught, the questions are haphazard throwing a cloud of connections on already received instructions and mind learns to connect the instructions

Challenges by focusing the mind on a particular instruction, induce learner to review that has been learned . In addition , challenge helps to motivate learner by highlighting the unknown part of knowledge in context which should have been learned.

A good challenge captures imagination of the learner and initiates best efforts from his mind to solve it thus leaving lasting impression in memory

Challenges promote depth of critical and analytical thinking

Challenges , properly graded, ease transition between different levels of education

Appropriate Challenges must be
relevant to the learning being undertaken. Should be not be mere exercise of just memory recall but should also engage learner’s mind in new areas connected with specific learning. They should not be unachievable with learner requiring to cover large conceptual gaps. But should be achievable with some effort by learner , i.e they should be natural extension of learner’s knowledge and skills which he/she can reasonably handle

There has been so much research and paper work on formative assessments and many have concluded that it is effective instrument in initiating learning as well as enhancing learning. But how effectively is it being used in class rooms is a question mark. Most of assessments are teacher driven. Learner (student) should only be limited by Learner’s own creativity leading to self construction of knowledge and not to the extent of instructor’s Knowledge has a good natural online formative assessment system named Self Assessor covering range of subjects, their topic and key concepts with flexibility in self test creation on select parameters. Questions take classification by type and level (not difficulty).

It also has summative assessment system Test Simulator

Results are immediate with details and stored for each learner with analytics for learner and instructor

Self Assessor is a natural online formative assessment system covering range of subjects, their topic and key concepts with flexibility in self test creation on select parameters. Questions take classification by type and level (not difficulty).

TestBag dot com also has summative assessment system Test Simulator

Results are immediate with details and stored for each learner with analytics for learner and instructor