Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 on the Fifth: Faces of Water

5 on the Fifth? This might sound strange to some of you. No, I am not telling yet that the world would end the biggest show of life so soon. In fact, I believe those dubious prophesies only sound like being economical to the truth.

The '5 on the Fifth' I am talking about is the one that could be entangled in every photo connoisseur's senses especially to the tenderfoots. I learned about this from the comment of Stephen Chapman in my blog post "Here Comes Manila" and I instantly decided that I would give a shot into it.5 on the Fifth is a monthly posting participated by bloggers, photographers and the like. Anyone can participate by taking 5 photographs on the 5th of the month or the days leading up to the 5th. A participant could randomly take photos or follow the theme as suggested by Stephen Chapman.

This month, the theme is 'Water' and so I share my collection of water photographs I personally called 'Faces of Water'. Some of the pictures have been in my collection for a couple of months while the others were freshly taken from the corners of my sanctuary. You may double click the picture to view it with better resolution.


Silence Means Deep

Along the Shore

Drop of Water

Water: Solid and Liquid

More water photographs HERE.

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